Master Purge and Clean Out Tea

Dollz Konnect

Regular price $30.00

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Flatter stomach instantly! This is an all natural tea that purges and cleans out excess toxic waste from your system. This tea also helps you lose water weight. Which then results in smaller waistline and stomach. It is perfect for getting rid of bloating and constipation. When eating unhealthy, overeating, on a cheat day, want to jump start a clean diet or just have difficulties using the restroom. Drink this! As it removes the things you consume and backed up waste  by producing multiple bowel movements throughout the day. Each package includes 10 bags which is a  2 month supply and is meant to be drink only once a week.  

*note please put tea bag in a half cup of boiling water (5 oz) cover and let steep for 5 to 7 minutes before drinking.